年輕時在職場上奮鬥了無數歲月,為家庭為孩子不曾一刻忘記自己的責任。無奈歲月不饒人,也不得不承認老之將至,古人有名句「不如乘風歸去」 或 「大江東去浪淘沙」,再再說明時不我予不能倦戀,樂天知命為上策。
To all my colleagues:
It's time for me to move on to the next stage of my life and I am looking forward to retiring happy and free. After retiring, I will pursue new skills in Adobe Photoshop/Web Design/Flash tools that will help me develop web pages for fun. For sports, I will enjoy playing more golf games and jogging to make myself healthy. One of my dreams is to drive to Alaska and it has not come true yet and will plan a trip to Alaska in the near future. I also want to spend more time with my family.
These last 30 years have been a wonderful experience for myself that I have enjoyed working with you at IBM. I want to thank you all for your support. With a heavy heart, I wish all of you farewell and Godspeed.
You can reach me at my email address douyonhu6@gmail.com and cell phone 845-309-4809..
Sincerely Yours,
David Hu